
以提供足够的停车位和安全的驾驶条件, the 校园安全部门 has developed these parking regulations. The objectives of the regulations are: to define parking areas; to provide for the safe movement of traffic; and to ensure access to all roads and parking lots by emergency vehicles.

为了实现这些目标, it is agreed that the acceptance of parking privileges is an agreement to abide by these regulations. 这些规定需要校园内所有驾车者的配合,才能有效地确保Bryn Mawr校园内的安全驾驶条件和有序停车. 学院 reserves the right to amend these regulations at any time.


1. 停车 on campus throughout the year, including break periods, is between the hours of 8 a.m. 还有5p.m.,星期一至星期五,须经许可方可参观. 参观校园的人必须随时登记车辆. Temporary parking permits may be obtained at the 校园安全 Office located in the John J. 马宏升的建筑. 关于残疾人停车位的停车规定, 消防车道, 装货区, and obstruction of other vehicles or traffic will be enforced 24 hours a day, 一周七天.

2. Bryn Mawr students cannot park at Haverford or Swarthmore Colleges between 8 a.m. 还有5p.m. 星期一至星期五. Haverford and Swarthmore students cannot park at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 from 8 a.m. 到5点.m.星期一至星期五. 学生 are expected to use the Bi-Co/Tri-Co 运输 system. 参见第三节:例外情况的特别许可.

**禁止在任何住宅街(尤其是米尔班克路)停车, Wyndon大道, 以及新湾路的下梅里恩浸信会教堂.

3. Resident first year students are not permitted to bring a vehicle to 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜

4. All vehicles are to be operated with extreme caution at no more than 15 miles per hour. 行人在任何时候都有先行权.

5. 车辆必须停在停车位的划定范围内,并必须遵守所有标志. 学院, 已标记所有批准的空格, is under no obligation to mark all areas where parking is prohibited.

6. 火区用张贴的标志或涂漆的表面来表示.  除了, 将车停在停车场的排尾线外或任何会妨碍紧急车辆进入该区域的位置被视为违反防火区规定.

7. Any vehicle parking or standing so as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, 堵塞入口或出口通道, 卸货区, 消防车道, 或以任何方式构成安全或交通危险, 或其他非法停放或违反本规定的,可以通过牵引车辆固定或移走,费用由车主/经营人承担. 

8. The registration of a vehicle on campus does not guarantee a parking space, but affords the registrant an opportunity to park in authorized areas when parking is available.

9. 布林茅尔学院不对停放在学院物业内的车辆被盗或损坏造成的损失负责. 

10. Visitors may obtain temporary parking permits through their College host or sponsor (e.g. 招生, 会议和活动, Post-Bac程序, 温德姆大厦)或通过校园安全部门. Only permits approved by the 校园安全部门 are deemed to be valid. Vehicles displaying handmade permits or photocopies are subject to ticketing.

11. 所有车辆必须显示当前的机动车辆登记, 检查, 和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的停车登记. Vehicles with expired registration or 检查 may not park on College property.

12. 登记车辆违反停车规定的,由登记车辆的人负责. Violations of parking regulations by unregistered vehicles are the responsibility of the owner/operator.

13. Repeated violations of parking regulations may result in parking privileges being suspended or revoked.

14. 任何车辆的操作员都有责任完全熟悉所有停车规则. 对规定的无知不能被视为辩护.

15. 参观校园的人可以停车, 持有有效的临时许可证, 在访客区和教职工停车场. 违规者将被开罚单和/或拖走. Temporary permits may be obtained from the 校园安全部门.

16. 本规定适用于在校园内驾驶或停放机动车辆的任何操作员和/或车主. 机动车辆, 按照本条例的定义, 包括汽车, 电单车及轻便单车, 摩托车, 以及任何其他自行推进的, land-driven车辆.

17. During the summer months, students not living on campus cannot leave their vehicle on campus. 任何需要离开车辆过夜的教职员工都需要获得校园安全部门的批准.

18. During the school year, commuter students are not permitted to park their vehicles overnight. 任何需要过夜离开车辆的通勤学生都需要获得校园安全部门的批准.

19. 寒假期间, 所有住宿学生的车辆必须移出价格还, 和沃德(田径)停车场. 如果你必须把车停在校园里, 在休息, 必须把车停在布雷肯/巴顿的停车场. 没有例外. 如有任何疑问,请拨打校园安全电话610-526-7911. 


1. All vehicles parked on College property must be registered with the 校园安全部门. 停车程序, 吸引力的形式, and temporary parking permits may be obtained at any time through the 校园安全部门. 申请和上诉也可以在网上进行. 批准的许可证可于周一至周五获得.m. 到3点.m.

2. All outstanding fines must be paid before a parking permit will be issued.

3. Student parking permits must be affixed on the inside rear view mirror. 教职员工 permits must be affixed on the inside rear window in the lower right corner. 许可证不得贴在标语牌上或用胶带粘贴.

4. 拥有注册车辆的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社区成员需要临时停放其他车辆,必须从校园安全部门获得免费的临时许可证. 

5. 校园内的访客可获得临时停车许可证, 还有受伤的学生, 并提供由合格医生出具的书面证明, 以医疗需要为理由. Please contact the 校园安全部门 at 610-526-7911 for further information.

6. 教师 and staff with a 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 permit may park at Haverford College, 根据哈弗福德条例. 持有哈弗福德学院或斯沃斯莫尔学院停车许可证的教职员工可以将车停在布林茅尔学院的教职员工停车场.

7. 车辆只能在一个三学院校区注册. 

参见第三节:例外情况的特别许可 (下图).


认为自己的特殊情况需要在多个校园停车的学生(如.e. 布林莫尔/ Haverford, Bryn Mawr/Swarthmore) will be required to apply to a dean of their respective college for dispensation, i.e., a Haverford or Swarthmore student would seek authorization from a Haverford or Swarthmore dean. These requests will be carefully evaluated by the dean and if granted, 将颁发特别许可证, 空间允许. These permits will allow the operator of a registered vehicle to park in the 南方很多 只有在哈弗福德学院和 布雷肯/板条 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. Violations of the terms of this dispensation may result in ticketing, 拖, 及/或撤销停车特权.


1. 被批准开车进校的在校学生和通勤学生将需要支付每年100美元的注册费. 在第二学期开始进入布林莫尔的学生将被允许以50美元的价格购买许可证.

2. 夏季学生可以花25美元购买许可证. 夏季停车许可证有效期至八月. 31.

3. Commuter students may purchase (1) additional permit, for a second vehicle for $10.

4. 住校学生只能登记一辆车.

5. 教职员工 may register up to (2) two vehicles at no additional cost. 额外车辆可注册,每份许可证收费10元.

6. 如果停车许可证丢失或被盗,持证人有责任通知校园安全部门. 另发一张许可证,费用为5美元.


1. 教师/工作人员: 停车 permits allow for parking in designated spaces in the following lots: 网关, Erdman, 梅里恩, 价格还, 体育运动, 校园安全, 西方的房子, 英国的房子, 俄罗斯的中心, 洛克菲勒庭院, terry Rhoads, 寒武纪行, Bettws-y-Coed, 以及社会工作与社会研究研究生院.

2. Resident 学生: 停车 permits allow for parking in designated spaces in the following lots: Brecon; Batten, 厄德曼低了很多, and 网关 near HR (lower lot- all spaces have a parking sign for Residents). 价格还地块沿栅栏面向新湾道.  

3. Commuter 学生: 停车 permits allow for parking in designated spaces in the following lots: Campus Center 价格还 lot (Blue Dots); 社会工作与社会研究研究生院. 停车场设有溢位停车位 竞技地段和布雷肯/巴顿地段.

4. 访客停车场设于以下地段: Wyndham (Wyndham Guest only); 网关; Campus Center (20 minute parking); 体育运动 Lot.


请注意Bryn Mawr和Haverford的学生, faculty and staff are not permitted to use visitor designated areas at any time. 这是部门和个人的责任, with visitors who plan to be on the campus for more than the designated posted time limit, to obtain temporary permits at no charge from the 校园安全部门. 这些临时许可证将允许游客在指定的区域停车或在规定的时间内停留在游客停车场.

5. 残疾人专用车位专为持有国家颁发的残疾人牌照或牌匾的车辆保留. 特别许可证将由校园安全署签发,只对个人签发短期许可证.

6. 位于校园各个部分的预留停车场是为特定用户指定的,不允许常规停车.




描述 点球
在消防道停车 拖/ Boot 50美元
在残障人士停车位停车 拖/ Boot 50美元
预留车位停车 拖/ Boot 30美元
停车在/阻塞装货区 拖/ Boot 30美元
停在访客车位 拖/ Boot 30美元
妨碍车辆/交通 拖/ Boot 30美元
未注册的车辆 拖/ Boot 30美元
未经授权的停车 拖/ Boot 30美元
泊车于服务车辆区 $30
伪造或变造许可 $100
在人行道上开车或停车 $30
外停车线 $30
未能在线路内停车 $20
车辆固定(启动)费 $150


为方便缴付停车罚款, the 校园安全部门 citation also serves as a mail envelope to the Controller's office. 你可以把你的支票或汇票(请不要现金)放在信封里,然后通过校园邮件或美国邮政邮寄.S. 邮政服务. Please refer to the instructions on the ticket for additional information. 请不要向校园安全部门付款.

A. 罚款应在违法行为发生后的十(10)个日历日内支付.

  • 在五(5)个日历日内支付的罚款将减少50%.

B. 亲自付款: Payments should be made at the Controller's Office located on the 3rd floor of the 网关 Building.  亲自付款时只能使用支票或现金. When paying, not in person, checks and money orders should be made payable to 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

C. 违反规定后10天内未缴纳罚款的学生,审计长办公室将把罚款加到学生账单中.

D. 学生的失败, 教职工要缴纳罚款或多次违反停车规定,可能导致失去停车特权.

3. 行李箱(车辆固定)/拖曳 

A. 未经授权在校园内停放的车辆-停放在消防车道的车辆-非法停放在残疾人专用装车位或访客位的车辆-无法移动的车辆, 妨碍交通或妨碍学院正常运作的,将被拖走或开除,费用由业主或经营者承担.

B. 学生, 有两次未付停车罚款的教职员工,如果第三次违反停车规定,将被开除或拖走.

4. Lower 梅里恩警察可以在任何时候来到校园,对非法停放在残疾人车位的车辆进行罚款,并对停放在消防车道上的车辆进行罚款和拖拽. 他们还可以在新湾路和亚罗大道之间的梅里恩大道上违规停车,因为这是一条乡镇道路.

5. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜是私有财产. 宾夕法尼亚州车辆法第3353条允许将未经授权的车辆拖离私有财产. 拖车一天24小时都可以进行. 有时,拖曳操作员可能认为有必要小心地移动一辆或多辆车,以确保无损坏的拖曳. 在设施事务管理处的主持下,车辆可被移走以方便除雪.


1. Appeals of parking violations are to be forwarded to the 校园安全部门, John J. 马宏升的建筑. 必须接受上诉 五个日历日内 违章行为. 五天之后收到的上诉不予考虑. 将及时作出有关申诉的决定.

2. 请在上诉书中提供机票号码. 上诉表格可于校园安全处或 在线. 你最好在网上提出申诉.

3. 上诉结果将以书面形式通知你. 上诉决定为终局决定. If your appeal is denied, payment is due within 5 days of receipt of denial.




